Friday, November 2, 2007


Dear Town of Highland Resident,

My name is Larry Fishman and I’m running for Supervisor on both the Democratic and the Conservative party lines. I am taking this opportunity to let you know who I am and why I am eager to serve you as Town Supervisor.

I have been in my own successful business for over 37 years and I am proud to let you know that my company is being honored this week by Sullivan ARC as Employer of the Year. Working with my employees over these years I have been involved in every aspect of running the business. I know how to delegate, but the final responsibility for everything is always mine. I keep track of everything, I follow up on everything and I get things done. That’s how I would do the job of Supervisor.

I have been actively volunteering for the Town of Highland as a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals for over 15 years and I am currently Chairman of that Board. As part of this group I have been helping residents negotiate the intricacies of our zoning codes. If I am elected supervisor I will continue to volunteer my time; I will not take a salary. As supervisor I will be an advocate for all of Highland’s residents. I will conduct town business openly and in the light of day. Within the first 6 months of taking office I will conduct “open forums” to tap into the ideas and resources of our residents.

I have no previous political experience so this campaign has been quite an eye-opener. I am not political. I am committed to being true to myself and to the residents of the town. I am honest, straightforward, open and responsive. As a 25 year resident, I care about what’s best for Highland.

I share everyone’s concerns on issues like property taxes, assessments and public spending. I understand the issues of services for seniors. I understand the need for safety and programs for our kids. I don’t like seeing empty stores in each of the hamlets and I will work with the business community to get our economy growing.

With my 37 years of business experience, with my many years of involvement in Town government and with my ability to be responsive to constituent concerns, I know how to address these problems.

As owner of my business I am not restricted by someone else’s time constraints. My time is my own. I will always be available to help with problems, answer questions and listen to comments or suggestions. I can be reached anytime, now or after the election, at 557 3343 or

I love living in the Town of Highland. In my 25 years here I’ve made many friends and I’m proud to call Highland my home. Over the past months I’ve been attending board meetings and budget meetings, and in other ways learning the intricacies of doing this job. Of the many things that I’ve learned one stands out in a personal way -- I have learned how much I really enjoy doing this work.

I will work hard to maintain the friendly, rural nature of our town while addressing all of the problems we are facing.

A lot of people in Highland know me and support me, but there are also people out there working hard against me so I need your help. Please tell your friends about me and make sure everyone you know gets out to vote. As you know every vote really does count so please, vote for me and ask anyone you know that might need help getting to the polls to call me (557-3343) or Doreen Hansen (557-3816). We will make any necessary arrangements.

Thank you for your attention and I will appreciate your support,
Larry Fishman